The development of a company specialized in labautomation

AAA Lab Equipment began 30 years ago with a custom machine. A key project launched our focus on lab automation solutions.

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Sustainability at AAA Lab Equipment

At AAA Lab Equipment, sustainability has been central for years. We seamlessly combine eco-friendliness with delivering high-quality machines. In this article, we will tell you all about it.

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5 reasons why you should count colonies automatically

We understand how valuable your time and resources are. Increase your lab quality and explore the functionalities and insights of Iris, while reducing financial burdens. 

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The development journey of the automatic colony counter Iris

Get an insight in the development journey of our latest innovation, named Iris. An automated colony counter based on artificial intelligence. 

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Introduction of our Iris AI Studio!

Experience the future of automated colony counting with a demonstration. Discover the advanced technology through four cameras and get a live demonstration of the Iris. 

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4 reasons why lab automation is essential

Lab automation is revolutionizing research with automatic counters and colony counters, simplifying data collection and analysis processes.

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Why our automated colony counter does work!

We spoke to Ed van Meurs, former Business Manager of two chemical and two microbiological laboratories, about how colony counters work. Read further for his opinion.

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The fastest colony counters make use of artificial intelligence!

A colony counter that uses artificial intelligence is a true counting aid and counts many times quicker than an analyst; this article outlines the current status of this technology.

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Reference SGS Nederland B.V.

We spoke to Charlotte Naalden of SGS Netherlands B.V. about our collaboration. Read about their results using the colony counter.

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The camera of our colony counter

To take good pictures of the petri dishes, a good camera and lens are needed. Read further for more information about the lens of the Iris!

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7 reasons to automate your company

The structural shortage of laboratory analysts has created a problem for which automation is an obvious solution. Here are the reasons why!

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What does artificial intelligence do?

AI has become more and more important. We would like to tell you more about how we use artificial intelligence on our products.

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Meet Irina: your efficient laboratory partner

Would you like to significantly accelerate the production process in your laboratory? We have the solution! 

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